Drudge or Producer?

Of all imaginary crises to worry about, the spectre of automation is among the most fashionable and enduring, since the times of Ned Ludd. "About 35 percent of China's labor force is in agriculture (compared to 2.5 percent in the U.S.). There are 425 million agricultural workers (200 million farming households) in China. A little… Continue reading Drudge or Producer?

Liberate Migration

“The safest way to make laws respected is to make them respectable.” -- Frédéric Bastiat It is long past time for sane people to recognize that immigration laws, borne of racism and bigotry and the fake science of eugenics, are bad laws; they are not respectable laws at all. The conclusions of the "science" of… Continue reading Liberate Migration

Racialism is Bogus

The Unwelcome Revival of Race Science is far longer than need be, and carries a certain amount of unnecessary political baggage, but nonetheless, there's some gold among the dross. Gist: racial theories are on the rise, particularly among today's alt-right. To understand why the claims of race theorists are bogus, the author examines the data.… Continue reading Racialism is Bogus

Unnecessary Wars

Pat Buchanan and I take opposite sides on some issues, particularly with his emphasis on "culture wars" and his aversion to immigration. Nonetheless, I must give a qualified recommendation for his book Churchill, Hitler, and the Unnecessary War. Tl;dr version: both World War I and II were unnecessary. The Brits won the war but lost… Continue reading Unnecessary Wars

RBE is worst form of cronyism

Resource-Based Economies(RBE) are a fantasy at best, a crime against humanity at worst. Read up on the Economic Calculation Problem, or consider the short version: somebody will allocate capital; somebody will decide what to produce, and somebody will direct your life. You'll be just another "resource" to be managed by Apparatchiks and Nomenklatura, who are… Continue reading RBE is worst form of cronyism

Legislators, Know Thy Limits

A certain legislator wished to make his state great via technology. My reply: Technology is hardly the forte of the legislature. There are fundamental differences between a body of random people whose sole qualification is the ability to get voted into office, and entrepreneurs, who risk their own skin in the game, rather than risking… Continue reading Legislators, Know Thy Limits

Fully Automated Luxury Capitalism

( Another episode from my Great Unfinished Novel. ) I'd extended my visit with friends at La Casa de la Paz as long as I could. After a week, it was time to return to the States, there to request a sabbatical and arrange for the transport or disposition of my books and other worldly… Continue reading Fully Automated Luxury Capitalism

Borders and Neighbors

I used to live near an Orthodox Synagogue. Because of their religious belief, Orthodox Jews do not drive on the Sabbath; they walk to services every Friday night; therefore, they strongly prefer to live in close proximity to their synagogue. Since this synagogue was on a major venue, I walked through often, and came to… Continue reading Borders and Neighbors

Talk Early, Talk Often

What can you as a parent do to help your children develop their language skills? Workbooks? Flash cards? No, my advice is much simpler. Talk to them. Talk early. Talk often. Talk about all the interesting aspects of your life together. My fans may remember the 30 million word research. Today, I discovered an extensive… Continue reading Talk Early, Talk Often

No Such Thing As Free School

Remember the saying? There's no such thing as a free lunch? This is true for all "free" goods provided by the government. First off, obviously, taxpayers cover the costs. Second, government is seldom or never the most efficient provider of services. But most importantly, "free" school (the topic of this article) comes packaged with a… Continue reading No Such Thing As Free School