Fully Automated Luxury Capitalism

( Another episode from my Great Unfinished Novel. ) I'd extended my visit with friends at La Casa de la Paz as long as I could. After a week, it was time to return to the States, there to request a sabbatical and arrange for the transport or disposition of my books and other worldly… Continue reading Fully Automated Luxury Capitalism

Freedom Zone Confronts City Council

"Let's bring this meeting to order," said the Mayor. "Order, please." He banged the gavel. Quiet emerged in the packed City Council Chambers. Cameras flashed. "All right, to begin, this is a highly informal meeting, at the request of a group which calls themselves the Freedom Zone. This group, and the area where they reside,… Continue reading Freedom Zone Confronts City Council

Conversation With An Artillect

[This  is an excerpt from an upcoming novel. An Artillect, in this novel, is an entity with intelligence equal or greater than a human, the volition to make vis own decisions, and the legal status of a person.] The protester was neatly dressed, wearing a suit and a fab 'do. He wielded signboard and megaphone.… Continue reading Conversation With An Artillect

Old Man in Times Square Eludes Police

"Unhand me!" said the stooped, elderly, white-haired bum. He stank of rotting fish. "I have freedom of speech, no?" His accent was thick, hinting that his first language was not English, but perhaps Spanish. Black threads showed in his hair, especially his bushy eyebrows. He swung his heavy thick cane with surprising alacrity, managing somehow… Continue reading Old Man in Times Square Eludes Police

Free Range: Used to be Normal Childhood

People are finally starting to talk about the destruction of children's autonomy. Things which were perfectly normal in my youth - such as running to the local store to  pick up milk, bread, and other items, knocking on a neighbor's door to find somebody to play an informal game of ball, walking to the park,… Continue reading Free Range: Used to be Normal Childhood

Let Our Children Go!

Wow, a lot of outcry about the Free Range Kids movement! I want to thank Lenore Skenazy of Free Range Kids, and others, for raising awareness of this issue.  If you're just now hearing, the Meitiv children were kidnapped by men wearing blue suits and badges, and threatened with removal from their home, for the… Continue reading Let Our Children Go!